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Convert group to proxsi
5 years ago


We're often converting multiple objects to proxies usually in vray, but as we're also using corona it would be usefull to be able to share the proxies.
Therefore we'd like to use proxsi's.
I'd like to convert a selection of objects to proxsi's in an external folder depending on the object.
So is there a way to set a folder, or based (relativ) to the opened file to store the proxsis in a subfolder PROXY

I've already started to combine some parts of the script.
This is what I'd like to have:
- Select a number of objects
- Choose a name for the objects that will be attached
- Attach those objects using the AttachObj from the shape tools
- Convert this to a sini proxy in a subfolder relative to the opened file under the folder "PROXY"
- Pivot is placed in the center on the bottom by the proxsi if I'm right...

Please assist me to change the script to achieve this goal, thanks

--SINI attach dialog
try(DestroyDialog _AttachObj_Dlg)catch()

rollout _AttachObj_Dlg "Attach Objects" width:150 height:125(
checkbox _Weld_chk "Weld Attached" pos:[10,10] width:110 height:18 checked:false
spinner _Weld_Spn "Weld Threshold: " pos:[10,30] type:#float fieldwidth:38 range:[-100,100,0.001]
checkbox _NewName_chk "Change Name" pos:[10,50] width:110 height:18 checked:true
editText _New_Name "" pos:[5,70] width:140 height:18 enabled:true
button AttachObj_Bt "Attach Selected Objects" pos:[5,95] width:140 height:23

on _NewName_chk changed state do (
if state == true then(
_New_Name.enabled = true
_New_Name.text = ""
_New_Name.enabled = false

on _Weld_chk changed state do (
if state == true then _Weld_Spn.enabled = true else _Weld_Spn.enabled = false

on AttachObj_Bt pressed do(
Objs = selection as array
if _Weld_chk.checked == true then
Si_Mesh.AttachObj Objs _Weld_chk.state _Weld_Spn.value _New_Name.text
Si_Mesh.AttachObj Objs _Weld_chk.state 0.0 _New_Name.text
--create PROXSI object at 000
ProxSi Logo_size:300 pos:[0,0,0] isSelected:on "Modifier Stack" "SubObject_2"
$.display = 4
$.name = _New_Name.text
$.units = 4
CreateDialog _AttachObj_Dlg

Convert group to proxsi
user image   pieter
5 years ago


We're often converting multiple objects to proxies usually in vray, but as we're also using corona it would be usefull to be able to share the proxies.
Therefore we'd like to use proxsi's.
I'd like to convert a selection of objects to proxsi's in an external folder depending on the object.
So is there a way to set a folder, or based (relativ) to the opened file to store the proxsis in a subfolder PROXY

I've already started to combine some parts of the script.
This is what I'd like to have:
- Select a number of objects
- Choose a name for the objects that will be attached
- Attach those objects using the AttachObj from the shape tools
- Convert this to a sini proxy in a subfolder relative to the opened file under the folder "PROXY"
- Pivot is placed in the center on the bottom by the proxsi if I'm right...

Please assist me to change the script to achieve this goal, thanks

--SINI attach dialog
try(DestroyDialog _AttachObj_Dlg)catch()

rollout _AttachObj_Dlg "Attach Objects" width:150 height:125(
checkbox _Weld_chk "Weld Attached" pos:[10,10] width:110 height:18 checked:false
spinner _Weld_Spn "Weld Threshold: " pos:[10,30] type:#float fieldwidth:38 range:[-100,100,0.001]
checkbox _NewName_chk "Change Name" pos:[10,50] width:110 height:18 checked:true
editText _New_Name "" pos:[5,70] width:140 height:18 enabled:true
button AttachObj_Bt "Attach Selected Objects" pos:[5,95] width:140 height:23

on _NewName_chk changed state do (
if state == true then(
_New_Name.enabled = true
_New_Name.text = ""
_New_Name.enabled = false

on _Weld_chk changed state do (
if state == true then _Weld_Spn.enabled = true else _Weld_Spn.enabled = false

on AttachObj_Bt pressed do(
Objs = selection as array
if _Weld_chk.checked == true then
Si_Mesh.AttachObj Objs _Weld_chk.state _Weld_Spn.value _New_Name.text
Si_Mesh.AttachObj Objs _Weld_chk.state 0.0 _New_Name.text
--create PROXSI object at 000
ProxSi Logo_size:300 pos:[0,0,0] isSelected:on "Modifier Stack" "SubObject_2"
$.display = 4
$.name = _New_Name.text
$.units = 4
CreateDialog _AttachObj_Dlg

  user image   pieter   Convert group to proxsi
5 years ago


We're often converting multiple objects to proxies usually in vray, but as we're also using corona it would be usefull to be able to share the proxies.
Therefore we'd like to use proxsi's.
I'd like to convert a selection of objects to proxsi's in an external folder depending on the object.
So is there a way to set a folder, or based (relativ) to the opened file to store the proxsis in a subfolder PROXY

I've already started to combine some parts of the script.
This is what I'd like to have:
- Select a number of objects
- Choose a name for the objects that will be attached
- Attach those objects using the AttachObj from the shape tools
- Convert this to a sini proxy in a subfolder relative to the opened file under the folder "PROXY"
- Pivot is placed in the center on the bottom by the proxsi if I'm right...

Please assist me to change the script to achieve this goal, thanks

--SINI attach dialog
try(DestroyDialog _AttachObj_Dlg)catch()

rollout _AttachObj_Dlg "Attach Objects" width:150 height:125(
checkbox _Weld_chk "Weld Attached" pos:[10,10] width:110 height:18 checked:false
spinner _Weld_Spn "Weld Threshold: " pos:[10,30] type:#float fieldwidth:38 range:[-100,100,0.001]
checkbox _NewName_chk "Change Name" pos:[10,50] width:110 height:18 checked:true
editText _New_Name "" pos:[5,70] width:140 height:18 enabled:true
button AttachObj_Bt "Attach Selected Objects" pos:[5,95] width:140 height:23

on _NewName_chk changed state do (
if state == true then(
_New_Name.enabled = true
_New_Name.text = ""
_New_Name.enabled = false

on _Weld_chk changed state do (
if state == true then _Weld_Spn.enabled = true else _Weld_Spn.enabled = false

on AttachObj_Bt pressed do(
Objs = selection as array
if _Weld_chk.checked == true then
Si_Mesh.AttachObj Objs _Weld_chk.state _Weld_Spn.value _New_Name.text
Si_Mesh.AttachObj Objs _Weld_chk.state 0.0 _New_Name.text
--create PROXSI object at 000
ProxSi Logo_size:300 pos:[0,0,0] isSelected:on "Modifier Stack" "SubObject_2"
$.display = 4
$.name = _New_Name.text
$.units = 4
CreateDialog _AttachObj_Dlg

user image
6 years ago
  Convert group to proxsi
5 years ago


We're often converting multiple objects to proxies usually in vray, but as we're also using corona it would be usefull to be able to share the proxies.
Therefore we'd like to use proxsi's.
I'd like to convert a selection of objects to proxsi's in an external folder depending on the object.
So is there a way to set a folder, or based (relativ) to the opened file to store the proxsis in a subfolder PROXY

I've already started to combine some parts of the script.
This is what I'd like to have:
- Select a number of objects
- Choose a name for the objects that will be attached
- Attach those objects using the AttachObj from the shape tools
- Convert this to a sini proxy in a subfolder relative to the opened file under the folder "PROXY"
- Pivot is placed in the center on the bottom by the proxsi if I'm right...

Please assist me to change the script to achieve this goal, thanks

--SINI attach dialog
try(DestroyDialog _AttachObj_Dlg)catch()

rollout _AttachObj_Dlg "Attach Objects" width:150 height:125(
checkbox _Weld_chk "Weld Attached" pos:[10,10] width:110 height:18 checked:false
spinner _Weld_Spn "Weld Threshold: " pos:[10,30] type:#float fieldwidth:38 range:[-100,100,0.001]
checkbox _NewName_chk "Change Name" pos:[10,50] width:110 height:18 checked:true
editText _New_Name "" pos:[5,70] width:140 height:18 enabled:true
button AttachObj_Bt "Attach Selected Objects" pos:[5,95] width:140 height:23

on _NewName_chk changed state do (
if state == true then(
_New_Name.enabled = true
_New_Name.text = ""
_New_Name.enabled = false

on _Weld_chk changed state do (
if state == true then _Weld_Spn.enabled = true else _Weld_Spn.enabled = false

on AttachObj_Bt pressed do(
Objs = selection as array
if _Weld_chk.checked == true then
Si_Mesh.AttachObj Objs _Weld_chk.state _Weld_Spn.value _New_Name.text
Si_Mesh.AttachObj Objs _Weld_chk.state 0.0 _New_Name.text
--create PROXSI object at 000
ProxSi Logo_size:300 pos:[0,0,0] isSelected:on "Modifier Stack" "SubObject_2"
$.display = 4
$.name = _New_Name.text
$.units = 4
CreateDialog _AttachObj_Dlg

user image
6 years ago
  Convert group to proxsi
5 years ago


We're often converting multiple objects to proxies usually in vray, but as we're also using corona it would be usefull to be able to share the proxies.
Therefore we'd like to use proxsi's.
I'd like to convert a selection of objects to proxsi's in an external folder depending on the object.
So is there a way to set a folder, or based (relativ) to the opened file to store the proxsis in a subfolder PROXY

I've already started to combine some parts of the script.
This is what I'd like to have:
- Select a number of objects
- Choose a name for the objects that will be attached
- Attach those objects using the AttachObj from the shape tools
- Convert this to a sini proxy in a subfolder relative to the opened file under the folder "PROXY"
- Pivot is placed in the center on the bottom by the proxsi if I'm right...

Please assist me to change the script to achieve this goal, thanks

--SINI attach dialog
try(DestroyDialog _AttachObj_Dlg)catch()

rollout _AttachObj_Dlg "Attach Objects" width:150 height:125(
checkbox _Weld_chk "Weld Attached" pos:[10,10] width:110 height:18 checked:false
spinner _Weld_Spn "Weld Threshold: " pos:[10,30] type:#float fieldwidth:38 range:[-100,100,0.001]
checkbox _NewName_chk "Change Name" pos:[10,50] width:110 height:18 checked:true
editText _New_Name "" pos:[5,70] width:140 height:18 enabled:true
button AttachObj_Bt "Attach Selected Objects" pos:[5,95] width:140 height:23

on _NewName_chk changed state do (
if state == true then(
_New_Name.enabled = true
_New_Name.text = ""
_New_Name.enabled = false

on _Weld_chk changed state do (
if state == true then _Weld_Spn.enabled = true else _Weld_Spn.enabled = false

on AttachObj_Bt pressed do(
Objs = selection as array
if _Weld_chk.checked == true then
Si_Mesh.AttachObj Objs _Weld_chk.state _Weld_Spn.value _New_Name.text
Si_Mesh.AttachObj Objs _Weld_chk.state 0.0 _New_Name.text
--create PROXSI object at 000
ProxSi Logo_size:300 pos:[0,0,0] isSelected:on "Modifier Stack" "SubObject_2"
$.display = 4
$.name = _New_Name.text
$.units = 4
CreateDialog _AttachObj_Dlg

  2 Topic Replies

  SiNi Josh
5 years ago

Hi Pieter,
I've just updated the button code so it creates a ProxSi from the Attached Obj. You'll need to change the different options for the Maxscript as I have only put in the default.

on AttachObj_Bt pressed do(
		Objs = selection as array
		AllObjs = undefined
		if _Weld_chk.checked == true then
			AllObjs = Si_Mesh.AttachObj Objs _Weld_chk.state _Weld_Spn.value _New_Name.text
			AllObjs = Si_Mesh.AttachObj Objs _Weld_chk.state 0.0 _New_Name.text = _New_Name.text
		thatProxSi = ProxSi Logo_size:300 pos:[0,0,0] isSelected:on
		thatProxSi.SiNi_ProxSi.AddNode AllObjs false false 4 "C:\\"
		-- You'll need to change the to Pos[0, 0, 0] if you don't want to keep the position objects Original pos "Modifier Stack" "SubObject_2"

To learn more about the ProxSi's Maxscript functions, click the link underneath and look under Maxscript functions 


  user image    SiNi Josh
5 years ago

Hi Pieter,
I've just updated the button code so it creates a ProxSi from the Attached Obj. You'll need to change the different options for the Maxscript as I have only put in the default.

on AttachObj_Bt pressed do(
		Objs = selection as array
		AllObjs = undefined
		if _Weld_chk.checked == true then
			AllObjs = Si_Mesh.AttachObj Objs _Weld_chk.state _Weld_Spn.value _New_Name.text
			AllObjs = Si_Mesh.AttachObj Objs _Weld_chk.state 0.0 _New_Name.text = _New_Name.text
		thatProxSi = ProxSi Logo_size:300 pos:[0,0,0] isSelected:on
		thatProxSi.SiNi_ProxSi.AddNode AllObjs false false 4 "C:\\"
		-- You'll need to change the to Pos[0, 0, 0] if you don't want to keep the position objects Original pos "Modifier Stack" "SubObject_2"

To learn more about the ProxSi's Maxscript functions, click the link underneath and look under Maxscript functions 


    user image   SiNi Josh
5 years ago

Hi Pieter,
I've just updated the button code so it creates a ProxSi from the Attached Obj. You'll need to change the different options for the Maxscript as I have only put in the default.

on AttachObj_Bt pressed do(
		Objs = selection as array
		AllObjs = undefined
		if _Weld_chk.checked == true then
			AllObjs = Si_Mesh.AttachObj Objs _Weld_chk.state _Weld_Spn.value _New_Name.text
			AllObjs = Si_Mesh.AttachObj Objs _Weld_chk.state 0.0 _New_Name.text = _New_Name.text
		thatProxSi = ProxSi Logo_size:300 pos:[0,0,0] isSelected:on
		thatProxSi.SiNi_ProxSi.AddNode AllObjs false false 4 "C:\\"
		-- You'll need to change the to Pos[0, 0, 0] if you don't want to keep the position objects Original pos "Modifier Stack" "SubObject_2"

To learn more about the ProxSi's Maxscript functions, click the link underneath and look under Maxscript functions 


user image
  SiNi Josh
6 years ago
  SiNi Josh   Reply
5 years ago

Hi Pieter,
I've just updated the button code so it creates a ProxSi from the Attached Obj. You'll need to change the different options for the Maxscript as I have only put in the default.

on AttachObj_Bt pressed do(
		Objs = selection as array
		AllObjs = undefined
		if _Weld_chk.checked == true then
			AllObjs = Si_Mesh.AttachObj Objs _Weld_chk.state _Weld_Spn.value _New_Name.text
			AllObjs = Si_Mesh.AttachObj Objs _Weld_chk.state 0.0 _New_Name.text = _New_Name.text
		thatProxSi = ProxSi Logo_size:300 pos:[0,0,0] isSelected:on
		thatProxSi.SiNi_ProxSi.AddNode AllObjs false false 4 "C:\\"
		-- You'll need to change the to Pos[0, 0, 0] if you don't want to keep the position objects Original pos "Modifier Stack" "SubObject_2"

To learn more about the ProxSi's Maxscript functions, click the link underneath and look under Maxscript functions 


user image
  SiNi Josh
6 years ago
  SiNi Josh   Reply
5 years ago

Hi Pieter,
I've just updated the button code so it creates a ProxSi from the Attached Obj. You'll need to change the different options for the Maxscript as I have only put in the default.

on AttachObj_Bt pressed do(
		Objs = selection as array
		AllObjs = undefined
		if _Weld_chk.checked == true then
			AllObjs = Si_Mesh.AttachObj Objs _Weld_chk.state _Weld_Spn.value _New_Name.text
			AllObjs = Si_Mesh.AttachObj Objs _Weld_chk.state 0.0 _New_Name.text = _New_Name.text
		thatProxSi = ProxSi Logo_size:300 pos:[0,0,0] isSelected:on
		thatProxSi.SiNi_ProxSi.AddNode AllObjs false false 4 "C:\\"
		-- You'll need to change the to Pos[0, 0, 0] if you don't want to keep the position objects Original pos "Modifier Stack" "SubObject_2"

To learn more about the ProxSi's Maxscript functions, click the link underneath and look under Maxscript functions 


5 years ago

Hi Josh,

Thank you for your reply.
I'll try this tomorrow.
Also good to know where the code snippets are located on the website, couldn't find them.


  user image    pieter
5 years ago

Hi Josh,

Thank you for your reply.
I'll try this tomorrow.
Also good to know where the code snippets are located on the website, couldn't find them.


    user image   pieter
5 years ago

Hi Josh,

Thank you for your reply.
I'll try this tomorrow.
Also good to know where the code snippets are located on the website, couldn't find them.


user image
6 years ago
  pieter   Reply
5 years ago

Hi Josh,

Thank you for your reply.
I'll try this tomorrow.
Also good to know where the code snippets are located on the website, couldn't find them.


user image
6 years ago
  pieter   Reply
5 years ago

Hi Josh,

Thank you for your reply.
I'll try this tomorrow.
Also good to know where the code snippets are located on the website, couldn't find them.


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Copyright © SiNi Software 2025 All rights reserved
Registration: 10001189
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Copyright © SiNi Software 2025 All rights reserved
Company Registration: 10001189
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SiNi Software logo for terms and conditions
Copyright © SiNi Software 2025 All rights reserved
Company Registration No: 10001189
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Copyright © SiNi Software 2025 All rights reserved
Company Registration No: 10001189